Chiko Solar is pleased to introduce the Ballast VI Photovoltaic Mounting System, a highly efficient mounting solution designed specifically for flat roofs. This system not only provides robust support but also ensures ease of installation, making it ideal for various types of flat roof surfaces.

The Ballast VI Photovoltaic Mounting System features a durable design and high-quality materials that offer reliable support for solar panels. Its primary structure, composed of premium steel and concrete blocks, is engineered to effectively withstand external factors such as wind and snow loads, ensuring long-term stability of the photovoltaic system. The system is meticulously calculated to provide even load distribution on flat roofs, preventing issues that could arise from uneven loading.

Another notable feature of the mounting system is its ease of installation. The Ballast VI system employs a modular design, allowing users to configure it flexibly based on the actual conditions of the roof, ensuring an efficient and smooth installation process. Both professional installation teams and ordinary users can follow the instructions provided to complete the installation quickly and begin using the system. This convenient installation process significantly saves time and labor costs.
The Ballast VI Photovoltaic Mounting System is also designed to be compatible with various types of solar panels. Whether using standard or high-efficiency panels, the system provides suitable support to ensure each panel receives sunlight at the optimal angle. This not only helps to enhance the efficiency of the photovoltaic system but also maximizes energy utilization.
Chiko Solar is committed to providing high-quality solar solutions to its users. The Ballast VI Photovoltaic Mounting System exemplifies this commitment. Through its carefully designed structure and convenient installation method, we ensure that users can successfully deploy photovoltaic systems on flat roofs, enjoying both the economic and environmental benefits of clean, renewable solar energy.
In summary, the Ballast VI Photovoltaic Mounting System is a reliable and durable product designed by Chiko Solar for flat roof installations. Whether for residential or commercial buildings, this system offers stable support and efficient performance, aiding users in achieving sustainable energy utilization.
Above news from CHIKO Sales & Marketing department
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